3 Week- 2021

While training for something bigger in the Summer of 2021, I inadvertently completed a 3 Week challenge. Adventure 16 is unfortunately no longer around, so it's strictly a personal challenge now. But it still counts!

Week 1- San Jacinto via Wellmans and Deer Springs

6/23/21  The first of the 3 was San Jacinto with the Deer Springs and Wellman's Cienaga lollipop loop. Just over 20 miles and 5,000' of gain with a brief hail storm on top!

13 images · 2 videos

Week 2- Baldy via Bear Canyon

7/1/21  The second leg was Mt. Baldy via Bear Canyon. 13 miles and 6,000' of gain on a warm day. Always a challenge, especially with a tough bout of Achilles tendonitis.

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Week 3- San Gorgonio via Dollar and Dry Lakes

7/8/21  The last leg was San Gorgonio via the South Fork trail with a counter-clockwise Dollar Lake and Dry Lake lollipop loop. 22 miles and 4,500' of gain on a humid day.

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